Monday, March 24, 2014

Waiting for Inspiration?

Should an artist wait for inspiration?  

To answer this question, I find my self going to the academic inside of me.  Let's go to the dictionary and define inspiration. 


noun \ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən, -(ˌ)spi-\
: something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
: a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something
: a good idea

Maybe the key word in the definition is "something" that makes someone do something.  What is that something?  How do I find that something?  If "something" is so powerful that it can influence and or create or guide someone, how do I put myself in the path of that "something"?

After thinking about "something", I noticed in order to find "something".... I need to do something.... That means I need to act.  I need to find, seek, move, interact, maybe even trip over "something".   If I am waiting for inspiration, I most likely am not seeking, or moving or interacting or putting myself in a situation that I will be inspired.  

I believe that inspiration is all around me.  If I actively seek inspiration I will be able to draw upon it when I need it.  Knowing that I can find inspiration in nature, I am getting better at using my iphone to collect images for potential future paintings.  Knowing that I can find inspiration in the accomplishments of others, I enjoying learning from fellow artists, or going to museums, or reading artist magazines.  Knowing that I can find inspiration in other industries, I  keeping up to date with color trends or watch fashion trends or network with professions to see what is happening in other creative industries.  Knowing that I can find inspiration in others, I want to always listen to other's ideas and thoughts and life experiences.

I want to always be open to new ideas and new opportunities for translating ideas into paintings.   I am blessed to be able to communicate ideas and feelings through my craft.  Realizing that other people have awesome ideas, but are not able to translate through the craft, I have found many inspiring ideas that have turned into the most amazing paintings.... simply because I allowed someone to push me to create something that I might have missed while I was waiting for inspiration.

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