A big shout out to Bethany Stephens @ Magpie Marketing! The quality of information shared at our seminar was amazing. What would have taken me months to understand was clearly explained in a couple hours.
Starting this journey into better understanding how to harvest the power of social media is exciting. I will share some of the insights I have learned over the next couple blog entries. Beth shared valuable data! If you are in the NWA area, check out some of the Magpie Marketing seminars @ Eventbrite.com.
Check out Canva.com for fun ideas for creating beautiful eyecatching content for your social media!
Yay! So glad you found the session helpful. I am so looking forward to keeping up with you and your work - you are incredibly talented, and I am completely smitten with your art. Stay in touch and hope to connect again very soon!
Beth (MagpieMarketing.org)